Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sprint Saturday June 23, 2007

Eighteen riders, split into 3 groups of 6, based on their flying 200 meter time. Each rider then raced three, 2-up match sprints and one 3-up.

Conditions - mild temp, moderate breeze with gusts.

200 meter times
Keith Macbeth 12.21 seconds
Matias Elgart 12.23
Jeff Fillerup 12.44
Shawn Hatfield 12.54
Jason Grove 12.60
Alex Millar 12.63
Carlos Johnson 12.72
Brian Percival 12.72
Erik Wright 12.86
John Simmons 13.30
Ben Swann 13.32
Gareth Spor 13.99
Chris Miller 14.16
Byron Servies 14.13
Annabell Holland 14.15
Alicia Arnold 15.05
Jenny Oh 16.20

Groups - by 200 meter time

Group One
Keith MacBeth
Matias Elgart
Jeff Fillerup
Shawn Hatfield
Jason Grove
Giovanni Rey

Group Two
Alex Millar
Carlos Johnson
Brian Percival
Erik Wright
John Simmons
Ben Swann

Group Three
Gareth Spor
Chris Miller
Byron Servies
Annabell Holland
Alicia Arnold
Jenny Oh

Round One
MacBeth def Rey
Elgart def Grove
Fillerup def Hatfield
Johnson def Millar def Swann
Percival def Wright
Spor def Oh
Arnold def Miller
Servies def Holland

Round Two
Elgart def Rey
Hatfield def Grove
Millar def Wright
Johnson def Fillerup
Percival def Swann
Arnold def Oh
Spor def Servies
Holland def Miller

Round Three
Elgart def Fillerup
Wright def Grove
Percival def Swann
Hatfield def Spor
Holland def Arnold
Miller def Oh def Servies

Round Four
Elgart def Fillerup def Grove
Hatfield def Percival def Millar
Swann def Wright def Johnson
Spor def Miller def Oh
Holland def Arnold def Servies

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